Elevate your online presence

Max Web Design specialises in creating stunning websites tailored to individuals, businesses, and brands.

Whether you're in need of powerful e-commerce solutions, attention-grabbing landing pages, beautiful portfolios, or flexible CMS websites, Max Web Design ensures your online presence stands out from the crowd.

A cell phone is sitting on a piece of cloth next to a flower.
A laptop with a website on the screen is sitting on a concrete surface.
A laptop with a picture of a woman on the screen
A cell phone with a picture of a dog on the screen

Available Services

Custom Website Design

Highly personalised, tailored web design solutions focusing on creating high-quality, visually appealing websites that align with your brand identity and goals.

Theme Restyle

Experience a quick and efficient website solution with Theme Restyle. Enjoy the benefits of a professionally designed website at a fixed price and a streamlined process.

Max, Founder

Building websites that deliver the results you need

I'm passionate about collaborating with businesses and business owners to create websites that resonate with their customers and reflect their vision, goals, and desired outcomes.

A website is a crucial component of any business's online presence, but building one from scratch or optimising an existing site can be challenging without the right guidance and expertise.

From start to finish, clients are closely supported to ensure they end up with a powerful and converting website that truly represents their business or brand.

A man in a white shirt is standing in front of a brick wall with his arms crossed.

Let Max Web Design handle your site, so you can focus on your business

We get it – you've searched the internet for web designers and been completely overwhelmed with the seemingly impossible task of deciding who to use.

As you research various web design agencies online, each promising the world, you find yourself with even more questions.

How do you buy domain names? Do your websites need to be SEO-optimised? What is web hosting, and what is uptime? Do you need to pay a company to manage your websites once they're built?

These are just a few of the types of questions clients often ask, and the answer is always the same – everything will be taken care of.

From setting up your domains and ensuring your websites are optimised for Google to integrating payment gateways into your sites and arranging reliable, secure web hosting; no more juggling between different services or worrying about technicalities.

By choosing Max Web Design for your next project, you'll benefit from a comprehensive approach that covers every aspect of your web design, giving you the freedom to focus on what truly matters – running your business.


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News and tips from the blog

19 Feb, 2024
As a business owner, you want to ensure that every aspect of your website is working to convert visitors into customers or to take some kind of desired action.  One of the most important elements of your website is your landing page. A landing page is a standalone web page designed specifically for a marketing campaign or promotion. It's typically designed with a singular focus – to convert visitors into leads or customers. A well-designed landing page can make all the difference in the success of your marketing campaigns. In this blog post, I'll provide you with 5 tips for creating a high-converting landing page that will ensure you're making the most of your marketing campaigns – let's begin!
01 Jan, 2024
What is branding? Branding can be described as the process of creating a unique name, design, and message for a product or company. When done correctly, branding can help businesses stand out from their competitors and create a loyal customer base. In this blog post, we will discuss four tips on how to create a brand for your business that will resonate with customers!
04 Dec, 2023
If you want your website to be successful, you need to make sure you're targeting the right audience. One of the most important aspects of this is choosing the right keywords. Keyword research is essential to make sure you're hitting on what people are searching for. This blog post will discuss some tips for choosing the right keywords for your website!
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